Joseph Lyle Pritchard

Kirkby-In-Ashfield, England, United Kingdom

False police reports, incel, chronic liar, sociopath

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Joseph Lyle Pritchard - Incel, false police reports, serial liar, sociopath

NAME: Joseph Lyle Pritchard

LOCATION: Kirkby-In-Ashfield, England, United Kingdom

FORMERLY: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

DEGREE: Bachelor of Science

INSTITUTION: University of Adelaide

EMPLOYER: Citizens Advice

Joseph “Liar” Pritchard is an incel that created false incident reports to the university he was attending, as well as the police, when a fellow student began dating the girl he had been stalking for over 2 years. He did so to get the other man out of the picture and keep the woman, who had no interest in Joseph Pritchard, to himself.

Vanessa Mae Lee Sy is the woman in question. She has false police reports to her name as well and we recommend readers discover her lies at the link provided. It’s no surprise that birds of a feather flock together.

The pair met at the University of Adelaide when Vanessa Sy recounts that Joseph Pritchard would creepily seek her out in mutual lectures and position himself in the seat directly behind her every time they shared a lecture, which was multiple times per week. After months of what can only be described as stalking, Joseph Pritchard finally mustered up the courage to speak to Vanessa Sy, and that was when their one-sided friendship began.

Joseph Pritchard would not have the courage to ask Vanessa Sy out for 2 years, in which time another individual began dating Vanessa Sy. This made Joseph Pritchard furious. You can see his unbridled anger in this cringe comment he left on their Facebook relationship status.

Joseph Pritchard simping for Vanessa Sy

Naturally, he was anything but happy. This is why when the pair eventually broke up, Joseph Pritchard saw it as his opportunity to get back at the man for “deflowering his girl”. He went to the university security office with the following complaint:

Joseph Pritchard's false university incident report

It’s got to be embarrassing for Joseph Pritchard when even the security officers are fully aware that you’re only making a report because of a girl, going so far as to acknowledge that in their write-up. Let’s see what the defendant said to the university in his defence:

Defendant's response to Joseph Pritchard's false incident report part 1

Here’s the witness statement mentioned by the defendant:

Defendant's witness' statement against Joseph Pritchard

It’s interesting that, according to Ton Neill, Joseph Pritchard was with a friend. Yet, Joseph Pritchard makes no reference to this friend in his report, nor did that friend provide testimony towards Joseph Prithard's case. It would seem as though he left his friend out of this on purpose since the friend would have undoubtedly been confused as to what assault Joseph Pritchard was talking about. The defendant included some further comments:

Defendant's response to Joseph Pritchard's false incident report part 2

Here's the image the defendant references:

Joseph Pritchard threatening the defendant on public transport

Now that is funny, this moron likely thought he was being “cool” by sitting next to the guy he’s just made false reports against. How can you not interpret this move by Joseph Pritchard as a threat? You’re telling us that Joseph Pritchard claims to be so mortified and scared of the defendant that he had to be “escorted to Counselling Support” by the security officers at the university, yet when he actually sees the defendant, he just sits right next to him without a second thought? You’d think if Joseph Pritchard’s claims were true, he’d have bolted out of that train carriage immediately upon spotting the defendant.

Let’s look at the closing statement from the defendant:

Defendant's response to Joseph Pritchard's false incident report part 3

That’s right, there is indeed CCTV footage of this altercation as well, as proved by the referral letter sent by the university:

Proof of CCTV against Joseph Pritchard's claims

All the evidence points to the fact that Joseph Pritchard is a lair, and this isn’t more apparent than when Joseph Pritchard claims that he, “Intends to report the matter to SAPOL.” The defendant never heard anything from the police regarding Joseph Pritchard. This means that 1 of 2 things had to have happened: Either Joseph Pritchard lied to the university about going to the police, in attempt to get them to take the claim more seriously, or Joseph Pritchard did go to the police, and they laughed at his face and immediately threw his claim in the bin. Whichever outcome is true, both reflect quite poorly on Joseph Pritchard and his tall tale.

Needless to say, the university sided with the defendant on this matter.

Inceldom is a serious condition that affects many. As we’ve seen in this case it can cause men to do ridiculous things for mediocre women (often referred to colloquially as simping). Joseph Pritchard has since shown no remorse nor acknowledgment of his actions and should be avoided at all costs for one's own safety. Joseph Pritchard has since fled to the UK.